Why it is important to know the history of Google update For Seo Service Provider?

No doubt, Google is the most widely used search engine all over the world. People make use of this search engine for their daily searches. According to an estimate, around 63,000 people search on Google every one second. As there’s an enormous user base, Google is having highly advanced algorithms for calculating the SERP rankings. Every year, Google updates its existing Google Algorithms. Here, a question arises- why Google keeps updating the algorithm? How this Google Seo Update is beneficial for a SEO Service Provider ? Ever since its debut, Google has undergone numerous changes in terms of algorithms. With the help of algorithm updates, it has become possible to even inferior quality websites at the top of the search result pages. With the utilization of new technologies and updation, Google is evolving and offering benefits to digital marketers. Along with these, there are many other reasons, why you should be having the knowledge of the history of Google update. Ther...